Friday, November 12, 2010

Another Maiden drawing + new sketches

Added and head and shoulders one too,
Unfinished but I've used up another drawing pad and these two were the last. Figured I'd post


Tom Moon said...

Better and better. I love that you have moved on from just the head and shoulders, and now we can see the whole upper body. I assume we will see leg and footwear next, and after that...?

Nice use of color and shading, but it's not just about technique; you present us with a personal vision of the world. That's what really counts; the end expression of visual ideas. You can look at a Frazetta, a Wyeth, a Hopper and say "That's their world and nobody else's."

I also love her six-pack abs.

Ron said...

I like the blending of sci-fi and primeval in your world, Jim.

Davis Chino said...

Agree with Tom on being entertained watching your progression/development of this motif over the weeks and months.

And I love a rhino head shoulder pad!

Anonymous said...

thanks guys, appreciate the comments. Trying to march to my own drummer these days. I was thinking of "A" Marty when I did the Rhino. I remember his fascination with the texture of the skin in his sculptures. It's a mix of white and black rhino. sci-fi and primeval, yeah that's the ticket I think. Been going back and looking at old ideas I played around with decades ago and these are the results. Wanna be ME not Them!!!!LOL!!!

Deane D said...

Your designs keep getting more fantastic and detailed. The full figure looks great. I can't wait to see more.

Tom Moon said...

Ah! Very nice additions to the collection.