Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It may be time to move back to Oklahoma

Had my top front 4 teeth removed as prep for a partial plate. Click the headline to see me at the dentist immediately after extraction.

I used Burt Lancaster's teeth to visualize what my partial plate will look like.

I changed it to just the look I will soon achieve


Tom Moon said...

We professional artists are not going to fall for what is obviously a quickie Photoshop job. Nope, no sir... You should have drawn a curly mustache on your face while you were at it.

MrGoodson2 said...

I'm going to photoshop some teeth into it. PERFECT teeth! Good idea. Thanks Tom

Tom Moon said...

Perfect teeth, but it looks like Burt had the Schwarzenegger gap.

MrGoodson2 said...

Thanks Kali. Lol.
The thing that will change for all time is the skill I learned as a small boy, high in a mighty oak tree, overhanging a dirt, country road. Me and two other boys were refining our spitting techniques. They were working on it because they anticipated the need for skillful snuff expectorating. I was just joining in.
I discovered that the gap between my teeth was the perfect pressure release valve for accurate spitting.
I won't have that in the future. I'll probably choke forgetting I can no longer spit between my teeth.

MrGoodson2 said...

By way of explanation, I was about to lose one tooth. It had moved forward and down from the rest, had infection, wiggled like a loose chiclet in my mouth. Getting rid of the other loose tombstones next to it was necessary to get a nice looking partial plate as replacement. I'll have to put 1000 bucks on a credit card. It will motivate me to find work. Now I'll have pretty teeth for the interview.

MrGoodson2 said...

Just in time for Halloween. My two top incisors are my two most forward teeth now. I pull off a pretty good Count Von Count impression now.

Davis Chino said...

These photos defy comment.

But that expression--with gap--defies the genetic limits of visual comprehension.

Goodson, you are without peer as a provocateur.

MrGoodson2 said...

This particular configuration of lack of teeth instantly turns you into a congenital moron.
You have to be 5 years old to pull off this look without people cringing.

MrGoodson2 said...

But look at my new found potential as a character actor. Out goes the partial, in comes the sadistic hillbilly. Watch out Bill McKinney.

MrGoodson2 said...

That video, I look so much like the REPTILE, Hammer Movie, it's uncanny.

Davis Chino said...

What I love is you just look so damn happy.

MrGoodson2 said...

I am happy Marty. Finally stepped off and did something about my snaggle teeth. That mock up shows why. The photos are identical except for the teeth. The one with great teeth shows a presentable front to the world.

MikeD said...

I'd like to take this opportunity to agree with Kali's sentiments.