Thursday, September 09, 2010

Now I can die happy. Depicted above are the LP and Single for the new Peter Peter Hughes album "Fangio," just released last week. That's right--I've now done album art--for vinyl.


This is the thing now among the musical cognoscenti--pressing yr latest opus on limited edition vinyl. It's all digital downloads or this. A trend about as unexpected as it is cool.

It's two colors (black + red) silkscreened onto "chipboard" sleeves. And I did the benday dots to get a range of dark reds/browns out of the two colors, and it totally worked! Those old comic book dudes were onto something....I was pretty happy with the art when I sent it off for the printers, but once we were handed the physical album/single I was blown away by how cool they turned out. Nothing like the smell of fresh ink and the feel of the cardboard in your hand. In this world of virtual production, a physical object seems stunningly "real."

Check it out at Pete's blog!


Tom Carroll said...

Awesome. I love the notion of getting back into art on vinyl sleeves. Waaaaaay cool. But don't die ... not just yet.

MrGoodson2 said...

Nice work. Yes, that used to be a great outlet for an artist, album covers.
Reminds me of the Big Lebowski group Autobahn.That kind of vintage. And I know what you mean. When it comes back from the printers, it's real.

MrGoodson2 said...

I checked out the website. Great shot of you

Rickart said...

That completely rocks!

MrGoodson2 said...

Your IPad paintings are awfully good.

Ron said...

You're quite the Hipster, Davis!

MikeD said...

I'm jealous!