Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ron Pages (Opinions Needed)(UPDATED)

(UPDATED with final images...unless you guys have any suggestions)
Fellow TAGsters, what do you think of this as a 6 page Ron Thompson layout? Ron was kind enough to leave one of his sketchbooks in my care, and I've scanned these and tried to lay them out in a compelling way. I'm still in the process of cleaning up the scans (lots of smudgey detritus clouding the images). But what do you think? Would 6 pages be overkill? Which pages do you like the best?
(and the yellow/red matting is just the comic page guide.)

Talk to me, you all!


MrGoodson2 said...

I like it. Now that I know the color isn't a part of it. A lot of quiet power. Great examples of Thompson observation.

MrGoodson2 said...

Good layout.

Rickart said...

Splendid spread. Love it!

Davis Chino said...

Ellis, you got me with yr "tarting up" effort.

Glad you dudes like it. You know how much I love Ron's work. I'll finish cleaning 'em up and get 'em to you "toot sweet", Rick.

(I'm also inking the cover tonight--trying to get it to you tomorrow).

Rickart said...

Did you keep Cork in or not? I still haven't heard boo from Scott.

Tom Moon said...

Love it, but it's a challenge to mentally block out that orange and yellow!

Tom Moon said...

My contribution... oh, er, yes. Well, I got a tremendous amount done over the Christmas break, and I work diligently on it every morning and weekend now, but it's still a ways from being finished.

I got nothin'.

MrGoodson2 said...

These Covers.

If Rick didn't mind the extra bit of file management, he coould offer the exact same PDF contents with alternate covers.

2- 3 - 5 different cover options for the same book. Why not. Some people would buy 1, some people would buy all 5.

No extra cost to you from Lulu.

Let all these people with cover ambitions scratch that itch.

MrGoodson2 said...

Also. The sprawling house drawing. Obviously need to be facing pages. That sort of "dummying" work might be tricky.

Davis Chino said...

Do you think the two page spreads will be too hard? I stagered the single images that cover two pages so that we've essentially got "bleed" for the staple valley. The hideous orange/yellow boxes were my guide. I think it will work...but then, I have no experience with this stuff!

But I did lay them out with lots of "fudge" room.

Davis Chino said...

Rick, I DO still have Cork in my cover image. I keep hoping Scott will come through with a contribution--but he's probably thinking I'm still going to finish my Cork story!


Do you have any idea when the publisher will need all the files in order to print up a batch for Emerald City??

Tom, so glad you are getting stuff done--you MUST put something in the book, even if it's just fragments--your stuff is way too cool to leave out!!

Ellis, I love yr idea for multiple covers!

MrGoodson2 said...

I like the tone on Ron's drawings. That will also show up, no problem. No elaborate screen thinking. It is pretty wsiwyg.

Lulu as a publisher gets stuff to you within a couple of weeks. I'll find their statement.....

3 to 5 business days

Rickart said...

Interesting... So Ron's pages are the first ones that sort of demand a "double truck" that I have received. There is one other illustration that is way wider than it is long, but it doesn’t lend itself to being laid out like this as it has a very centered focus. I must think on this a bit.

I'll try Scott on FB... he "liked" something the other day, so that means that he's at least still alive and lurking there from time to time.

TOM. Send me a drawing. Even if it's a photo of one of the wonderful drawings that grace the walls of your home. I wish to publish something of yours in this volume. Don't make me make threats that we will both regret. (I have no idea what that means, but it sure sounds dangerous)

Davis Chino said...

@Tom via Rick: YEAH! I triple endorse Rick's demand for something Moonian...and like Ellis said, it only takes a week or two for Lulu to print ' let's keep extending Rick's deadline!

Rickart said...

Jan. 28th is the deadline to turn in art... I want to make sure I have plenty of time for the books to get mailed back.

Davis Chino said...

Awesome! I'm on it!

Ron said...
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