Saturday, February 26, 2011

Girls Of Pleasure Island-Loomis Looking

1953 movie with the film stock, hairstyles, lighting, make-up, making these women look like something Andrew Loomis could have painted.


Davis Chino said...

TOTALLY. Ellis, y're spot-on.

And in this movie you'd be cast (a la William Demarest) as the irascible father of the bride-to-be--a former Oklahoma oil worker who's done well for himself, sent his little girl off to college--and is thunderstuck by the news she's going to marry that Ivy League fop.

Davis Chino said...

BTW, I can't believe you scrubbed yrself from Facebook. I agree with you that it's an uneasy feeling to have yr online persona swirling in that punchbowl of invisible internet exploitation--but dammit, you were my favorite FBook commenter! Well, you and Ron Thompson! I went back on there the otherday and saw you'd even scrubbed yr's like you never existed. Boo hoo!

MrGoodson2 said...

Leo Genn is the put upon father in this one. The pacific island girls have never seen a man and there are a couple thousand American Marines about to arrive for some ww2 logistics. Can he put a stop to their nude lagoon bathing before the military gets there?

My FB erasure is just step one in Goodson, man of mystery.


MrGoodson2 said...

Genn is the big image on the right. I also watched that Green For Danger movie. Netflix streaming is awesome for all these lost or at least neglected potboilers.
I just made a stripped down copy of one of Clint Walker's first movies. Fort Dobbs. I stripped it down to just scenes with horses to have as reference. A very horsey movie. Brian Keith (playing a great heel) and Virginia Mayo. Pretty good.

MrGoodson2 said...

Be careful of Father's encyclopedias!

The girls discuss men.

Anonymous said...

Leo Genn was a good actor, love his role in Quo Vadis opposite Peter Ustinov