Random doodles and a toy I'm looking for. Did any of you guys ever have a hard plastic sabertooth toy all of 3 to 4 inches long that looked just like this Charles R Knight drawing? I've trying to luck into finding it on EBAY. It's a geek thing.
Found it... It's a Marx toy...
That's the Aurora Kit which Gorham suggested. My play toy was solid plastic. Injection molding. Solid through and through. Able to dig through sandboxes with.
I've got a bid in EBay for the marx toy
Hey I used to have that toy! I think it's buried at my Mom's old house in Imperial Beach. You can go and dig it up if you want. I think Krayonzilla has a whole set.
Oh, yeah, I think I've seen this toy before... I don't think I owned one myself, but I had just about every other dinosaur toy that was made up to that point in history, so maybe I did have it.
I do remember owning a huge set of dinosaurs that I think was made by the same company as this little guy you are looking for. It even had cavemen!
I had a Wolfman like that,too... molded in solid yellow plastic. Krayonsilla identified the maker for me once... Palmer it think it was. It was my most beloved toy... I'd love to get my hands on one of those now! Perhaps I need to do my own Ebay search!
Yeah! Yeah! I'm back as to have a reliative comment on this.
The link rickart has is the Aurora Prehistoric Scenes from 1971-73. (Had them all, hope to get them back someday). The Smilodon Mr Goodson has asked about is the Marx Toys 1950's-1970's version. Usually made in Drk. Brown, Drk. Grey, Light Green and latter ones in Mint green. Multiple Plastic (MPC) did a bunch of knock-offs in the 1960's and early 70's of the Marx ones. You can tell the difference as the MPC on is not as stout (Pardon the dino pun) as the Marx one and is slightly smaller. I was molder in similar Marx colors and also a metalic grey/blue too. Later they switched to real bright colors like red, blue, yellow etc. The PLAMER Plastics Wolfman Rickart is looking for pops up regularly on EBAY. A good condition one usually runs around $22 to $35 USD.
testing...this is just a test.
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