Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1st pair of sci-fi props


I have six object concepts to show ya - all with a sci-fi angle to them. Asking for your crits1

In this first pairing, I like the second one more than the first. The translator just seems to have an odd camera angle. No rotation of the image removes this feeling for me.


Davis Chino said...

Very cool. I like em both, but maybe the translator would benefit from being shown in use? Put a human (or humanoid?) in the scene yakking into it, and maybe we'd get a better sense of scale and function?

MrGoodson2 said...

I like the generator. I think I'd like the translator more if the z protruding shapes were lost. Complete the static noise window, mend all the areas that the extruded piece masked.
It would simplify and strengthen it.

Dok as a Dog said...

Sense of scale! D'oh! And the elimination of the z protrusion is a good idea too. I don't think I'll put the translator into the portfolio, but at least now I know how to fix it if there's a future opportunity to use it.