Friday, November 10, 2006

Gouachey Paintings

Work has been S-L-O-W. So slow that I got the chance to clean up my room, dust off the gouache and play a little. I haven't painted in three years so I'm a starting out simple. Mmmm. Love the smell of gouache. (it tastes good too!)

In both cases I started with plain illustration board and no preconcieved ideas. Just laying down the paint and seeing what happened.


Scotty Buncake said...

Those are cool! I especially like the light bulb for a head surrounded by a cage. But don't you think both paintings would be better served if there was some kind of Ellis-like head? Creeeeeeee-eeee-PEEEEE!

Rickart said...

stellar work, Skrib! If work is slow you can come to my office... I'll put you to work! We can use any hands we get!

Mr Goodson said...

I love that Robot. Great sillohuette. I love the red contours and the lost edges where strokes went over the ribs and shoulder area. Doubly impressive that you started without any sort of plan.