Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My own Kirby Collage

Kirby, Nick Fury, backdrop some massive Cincinatti libray setting found on Tumblr.

Old Bernie Wrightson art. Frazetta love on display. I took all my anger out of the post. Still not happy. I'll see if I can find something I like


Davis Chino said...

Unnervingly Kirby-like. "FURY CHECKS OUT" or "HYDRA'S STACKS DECKED"??

The Wrightson is cool--very instructive to compare it to Friz. Great handling of medium but not as comfortable yet with complex anatomy/figure posing.

I like his hero-type better'n Frank's, too.

Davis Chino said...

The more I see this, the more it looks like a real Kirby.

MrGoodson2 said...

It is half real Kirby. Old Nick Fury agent of Shield cover. Inked by John Severin.