Friday, May 02, 2014

I made a small doodle on the corner of my sketchbook, and I said to myself, "Say, that looks like a Frazetta rump doing a Frank Miller leap." So I tried to expand it out, and built a scene whereby a Frazetta rump would be leaping, and I tried to ink the thing in Illustrator. What I got was a mess. So I put all the elements on their own layers and turned off all but the rump. In the messy scene, a left arm made things worse. Now it could use one.

Fist exposition:
I should read the text that goes along with my little picture books.
The Bridgman fist I saw and commented on is on page 272 of Drawing from Life:
Yet on page 252 there is this:
Back on page 272 he writes, "The thumb lies against the first finger, or across the second."
I've only experienced the former when I try to make a fist as the very first thing I do when waking up.


MrGoodson2 said...

It's very dynamic. The anatomy needs some Bridgeman.
It may have a better silhouette without a far arm.
Frazetta leaves out arms when it suits him. For the sake of better reading.
I suggest copying some Ben Caldwell. He's got some great little books. I think a lot of him since I did a little copying of his stuff. Good solid appeal. Give you some good ideas about figure mannikins.

Tom Moon said...

Or a knife-cutting vein-slicing sound like KSHH-SPLURP!

BDMontag said...

Going into the weeds here, but Ellis sent me to Bridgeman and put up a Kirby panel--So in my Bridgeman book he draws a fist but the thumb rests on the first finger instead of crossing over the first and second fingers. And so does the typical Kirby fist. Was there an old-fashioned way to make a fist?

Tom Moon said...

Post the Bridgeman fist please. I gotta see this. My thumb crosses over two-and-a-half fingers when I make a fist.

BDMontag said...

Oh yeah.

MrGoodson2 said...

Bridgeman is just showing the mobility of the thumb. The angles it can rest in the mass of a "fist." The fist with the thumb on top is a, paying out twine, fist.

Even though I has a wacky karate instructor named Walter Bone in 1970 instruct us that it was his prefered method for forming his fist. Said the thumb was more likely injured with a traditional fist.

He was a bit of a weirdo. Great at forms.

MrGoodson2 said...

Waletr Bone in the helmet I believe back then, when you decided to wear head protection, it allowed the other guy full contact to your head.

Davis Chino said...

Ben, I second Ellis's suggestions in the first post. Maybe try redrawing it in the Bridgman style...?

I love that you are sharing a work-in-progress or otherwise imperfect illustration--takes courage and we all learn more that way!

Interesting about the fist quandary...and Ellis, I love yr anecdotes!