Does it look too dark (the colors--not the subject matter)?
UPDATE! Here's the final, final version (I think...unless you guys have any suggestions.)
p.s. a jpeg version always looks a little drab, doesn't it? I'm trying a tiff for the 2nd image....
...and it still looks totally blown out. Hmmph. The PDF I saved looks OK on my computer screen, but I don't think Blogger displays PDF's, does it?
Any suggestions?
(UPDATED AGAIN) I took yr advices, Ellis and Jimmy (via phone)...I think this is better, but there is some kind of gamma loss...or something?
Wow. Incredibly nice piece. I ca't imagine doing colors that well. My monitor doesn't show it as too dark. Seems just right.
Thanks Ellis!
I'm getting rid of the cludge-y corners of the image where I ran out of real estate. And I'm brightening her face a wee bit, and desaturating that sky a little....
Really should have done a better job with her face.
Oh, well.
Yes, you don't want the result looking like the second jpg. It looks like gamma has been moved toward into a diffused zone. The top one might have been just a teensy bit too contrasty but not much.
Hey, this looks like Ellis subject matter as seen by Marty. The R-rated version of Tog and Ty. Kinda Playboy-esque. Remarkable piece of art, as usual!
Yeah the Playboy-esque, Already talked to Marty on this....very nice, as always
Tommoon! Is this so R-rated??? I think it's kid-appropriate.
But I really tried to avoid the crazy extreme T&A that is the norm.
The guy who I kept thinking of while I fiddled with this was Al Jaffe of MAD. He's sort of the intersection of Wolverton, R. Crumb, Jack Davis and Doug Sneyd.
It's your sub surface scattering that moves her into the TA zone. Hope whatever you get for prints doesn't drab your color.
On my monitor, the top version the girl is warm. The bottom one, she is cool. I like the top version, just slightly backed off on contrast.
You're right Marty. It wouldn't get an R rating, just a "Teen" rating, or is that for video games? Is it "M" for movies, or "GP" or "PG" or "PG-13" or what???
It's funny but I couldn't see much of a difference between the two paintings other than color, but then I switched back and forth between the two really quickly and watched as the girl's eye popped in and out and her hand change too.
I give up. They all look like crap.
I wish I could meet Joe Sanabria for lunch. Looks good Marty. Joe knows his shop.
I like the last one best... I like some of the over saturation of some of the color, but in that last one it was tamed to a good level.
Which one did you send to ECCC?
BTW, I signed in on my wife's Blogger account to do some stuff on her blog and then I tried to post on here, so you may have received a moderation email about those posts. I've deleted them.
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