Tuesday, February 07, 2012

First Fun Trailer To Come From LibraryYOU ...

Ellis: please do your custom magic to make this play correctly in the blog, then tell me what you did.
Title sends you to LibraryYOU's Web site.
Here is the first trailer to be made from LibraryYOU content: "Bee vs. Quilt" ... I wanted to test how easy it was to use iMovie's trailer making templates. Case closed: I made this one in about an hour. Enjoy.


Tom Moon said...

Maybe you should combine parts from both shorts into one film about a quilting bee.

MrGoodson2 said...

Tom MOOONN joke hurt Head!

Tom C, haven't seen it yet.
I'll react after I post this.

src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/36354612?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="651" height="366" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen

Code in the "Edit Html" part of Edit comments.

Type in the change width 651 to 400 and height 366 to 223.

I used a calculator to do the math on the relationship of 651 to 400 and then used the result on 366. So you may be looking at flawed math

MrGoodson2 said...

Very nice Tom. Looks like the equivalent cut and timeline effort in After Effects would have cost a lot of headache and preparedness.

This sentence ...
"Code in the "Edit Html" part of Edit comments."

should be
"Code in the "Edit Html" part of Edit posts." POSTS. The window part.

Tom Moon said...

Great work Tom. Love the dynamic music and editing. All that's missing is the grim voiceover, "In a world gone mad...".