Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cool Frazetta Blog

The headline is the link! Didn't see this posted here, but if ever there was a link that needed to be shared this one is it. Very cool walk down memory lane by the author. Frazetta was quite an interesting cat!


MrGoodson2 said...

Fantastic Blog Ronnie. I've bookmarked it. Great stuff. Lot of discussion. Real treasure trove. Thanks a lot.

Surly Bird said...

Thought of you as soon as I saw this, Ellis. Glad you like it!

MrGoodson2 said...

I added that color thumbnail of the Catgirl cover. I love the book Rough Stuff. That has a lot of the preliminary studies Frank would do. It's nice the Blog has so much of that sort of work in easy to save, often large size, format.
I saved 88 pieces from my graze through the blog.

One thing that was special but also a bit maddening. They have the best reproductions yet of the originals of Frazetta's Werewolf story for Creepy.


BUT, they lack two pages having all of it. And the asshole mentions he owns page 3, one of the missing pages. Plus, the first page isn't reproed.

Oh well. Just check out all that wash tome and ...flaws...to the inking density. Of course it's not really flawed. It's just awesome work.

MrGoodson2 said...

Correction. It's missing page 1 and page 5. I am the definition of ingrate.
First page, kicking back in the cane chairs. Page 5, blasting the werewolf as it charges.

Surly Bird said...

Thanks for posting the thumbnail. What's a post about Frazetta without a flash of his genius? Lame on me. ;)

MrGoodson2 said...

That book is Rough Work, not Rough Stuff.

Rickart said...

I had a blast doing that gig with you Ellis! As I recall, we had a harrowing ride through torrential rain in your pick up that didn't have working windshield wipers. We had dinner with Jeff before hand and it was a terrific night.

MrGoodson2 said...

My wiper side worked. I guess it's tense on the side that doesn't work.