Friday, September 02, 2011

Honey Bear Bakery Regulars

One is a fan of "The Kids in the Hall", apparently.


MrGoodson2 said...

We can tell from the angle he's not squeezing your head. Great characters. But if they're regulars, they're probably costing the bakery money.

Davis Chino said...


Ron, we love when you post!!

Hope all is well in the PacNorWest. Blair spent the weekend in Vancouver, B.C. on a girls' trip. I am jealous. SHould have hitched a ride as far as SeaTac--we could have watched some international soccer down at the pub....

Ron said...

That would've been fun!

Deane D said...

Very interesting life drawing. Wish I had the patience to do that.

I just hope that guy didn't try to crush your head when you weren't looking.