Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Freelance While Unemplyed

A place specializing in building theme parks for the Chinese also had this idea of a Jack Kirbyesque comic book adventure arena for a traveling show of wrestlers. It was a pretty good idea, a traveling tent show kind of deal specializing in bringing in huge size hick audiences. One of the things I did while unemployed 6 months ago.


Jeff said...

Whew! You scared me! These were done a while ago...

Those Chinese! They love their Kirby!!!

Did they make it or what???

Mr Goodson said...

This wasn't a pitch to make a thrill exhibit in a Chinese park. This professional wrestler had a background in bringing themed championship cage matches to the Boonies and making a lot of money. I hope they did make it. It gave me a picture of that sort of old timey road show, carnival, entreprneur

Tom Moon said...

Ellis, I love the raw energy of the bottom piece, the color, the composition, sparks that little pre-reading part of my brain that remembers how exciting it was to just stare at comic book covers as a little kid.